Check Point is a firewall software that can be installed on UNIX platform or Windows platform. Below are the steps about how to reset password on Check Point various platform such as Nokia and SecurePlatform. These steps are made by us based on experiences that is often forget about the password. Thanks for CPUG and Check Point forum for helping us recover our Check Point password.
Reboot the appliance until it appears the bootloader manager and follow below steps:
Boot manager loaded.
Entering autoboot mode.
Type any character to enter command mode.
BOOTMGR[1]> boot -s
Enter pathname of shell or RETURN for sh: /etc/overpw
This program is used to set a temporary admin password when you have
lost the configured password. You must have booted the machine into
single user mode to run it. The configured password will be changed.
Please change the temporary password as soon as you log on to your
system through voyager.
Please enter password for user admin:
Please re-enter password for confirmation:
In order to regain your admin access to SecurePlatform machine when the admin or expert passwords are unknown then follow these below that quoted from check point forum:
————————————–Using the Red Hat boot CD——————————————
Note: Please be aware that the following procedures cannot be performed on a UTM-1 appliance.
Method 1:
Using the Red Hat boot CD:1. Obtain the Red Hat boot CD. (The current Fedora Core boot cd will as also work).
2. At the boot prompt, boot from the Red Hat boot CD with the following command :
“linux rescue” (without quote)
3. When prompted, answer the questions posed by the boot process.
4. The system is mounted on the hard drive, and its location is indicated. Write down the system location (which should be: /mnt/sysimage/ or /mnt/sysimage ).
5. When the command prompt is displayed again, edit the following file (vi should be available):
6. Find the line that looks like this:
password –md5 (a bunch of scrambled numbers, letters, and symbols)Add a ‘#’ at the very beginning of that line. It should then look like this:
#password –md5 (a bunch of scrambled numbers, letters, and symbols)7. Find a line that opens with the word ‘lock’.
Add a ‘#’ at the very beginning of that line.
8. Save and exit the editing session.9. Reboot the system:
reboot10. Remove the boot CD from your CDROM drive before it boots from the CD (again).
11. When the following prompt appears:
… (the dots increase in number until it boots the default kernel)
Press the ‘space’ bar. This should display the GRUB boot loader menu.12. Select the line that has ‘maintenance’ in it and press ‘Enter’.
Note: In case where performing this step failed to boot into the Maintenance mode, proceed as follows:
1. Select the line that contains ‘maintenance’ and press ‘e’.
You are allowed to edit the Grub options for this boot option.2. Press ‘b’ to boot this option.
13. SPLAT boots until a prompt similar to the following appears:
sh-bash 2.0.x #14. Change the passwords for:
* A user, like ‘admin’:
passwd admin
* For expert mode:
/bin/expert_passwd15. Reboot.