How the Heartbleed Bug Works Explained in Comic

A few days ago, our internet world is shocked by a bug that is found in OpenSSL. This kind of bug can exploit the server to leak more information than it’s supposed to until all sensitive datas are sent to the hacker.

In order us to understand how this Heartbleed bug works, please take a look at below comic tells a short story about a hacker tries to trick the server.


On the first step, this hacker asks the server whether it is still alive or not by replying word “POTATO”. Then the server  just replies with “POTATO” without giving another information surrounding the word “POTATO”.

Next action, this hacker asks the server the same to indicate whether it is still alive or not with another word “BIRD”. Then the server just replies with the same action by giving the word “BIRD” with the exact length without giving surrounding information.

Last action, this hacker tries to ask server to reply the word “HAT” but with words length 500 instead the real length 3. Then the server replies not only the word “HAT” but also information surrounds the word “HAT” that could be our Credit Card Number , Private Keys, and other sensitive information.

Okay, that is the article about How the Heartbleed Bug Works Explained in Comic.  What do you think?

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